Fee calculator

Let's calculate the estimated fee to translate your text

With a highly specialized team, we strive to ensure that all projects are handled by our most appropriate staff. We therefore schedule based on availability, but also offer an express service to accommodate time-critical projects. We will consult with you if your requested schedule may not be practical due to the demands of your project.
Estimated translation cost:
Standard price
Express fee
You could reduce this cost by using our Leveraged AI tool. Contact us for details.
Our minimum price for a project is 22,000 yen (unless otherwise specified). Our minimum price for a project is $175 (unless otherwise specified). Our minimum price for a project is £145 (unless otherwise specified).
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Leveraged AI can reduce translation cost by up to 50%

We've combined cutting-edge tech and human expertise to create a new, best-in-class translation solution offering maximum efficiency and accuracy.
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TBSJ were competitively priced and outperformed the competing translation vendors that we considered or had used previously in terms of quality and service. They were unmatched by other vendors.
Senior Associate
Disputes team at a major international law firm
I always choose TBSJ as my first option for translation service. TBSJ is really responsive and provides us one of the best quality translation for reasonable price.
Partner specializing in competition law at a Big Four Japanese law firm